На 15 февруари тази година 62-годишният Джордж Худ се задържа в позиция "планк" в продължение на 8 часа, 15 минути и 15 секунди и постави нов рекорд на Гинес. Невероятен подвиг на която и да е възраст, пише CNN.


REFLECTION Re LP #6: On Saturday, Jan 18, 2020, I executed Long Plank (LP) #6 at 515 Fitness Incorporated, @515fitnessinc a Mental Health Counseling Facility in Plainfield, IL. I finished with a time of 8:05:15 which was the 6th time I've surpassed the current GWR of 8:01:00 since it was set in June 2016. This was the last "long plank" of 6 in a training cycle that has now prepared me for my last official attempt to reclaim the GWR for "the "longest male plank", on February 15, 2020 at the 515 facility. In addition to once again surpassing the current GWR, the effort showed an AHR/MHR of 101 and 120bpm respectively with 2,896 calories, of which 31% were "Fat Cals", expended. For the first time LP#6 revealed a slightly sustained higher heart rate for approximately 2 hours, 57 minutes over the course of the effort, which reflects a slightly more "aerobic" effort. LP#6 was clearly some of the best work put forth by the crew at 515Fitness and their leader, Niki Perry to sustain me for the duration of the effort under conditions that previoulsly were arduous and difficult for me. But the switch was finally flipped w/me and the resulting transformation got all of us to the coveted mark of 8:05:15! The much talked about GWR event on Feb 15h is a joint collaborative effort to raise funds and awareness for the mental health community on behalf of the Braidwood Area Healthy Community Coalition, (BAHCC), https://www.braidwoodcoalition.org/events/gwr-event . This event will not only Break the Plank" but also "Break the Stigma" associated with mental health issues that are so prevalent in many of our neighborhoods and communities. With this training cycle behind me, I begin a very generous taper period to heal physically and emotionally from nearly 10 weeks with 6 long planks of 5:15:00, 6:20:00, 7:31:00, 7:15:00, 5:20:20 and 8:05:15 Thank you to all, near and far, who continue to support my crew and I as we prepare for the Feb 15th event. Training continues. #longestmaleplank #TeamHood #MindsetMatters #plank #georgehood #mentalhealrh

A post shared by George E. Hood (@hood4663) on Jan 20, 2020 at 4:14pm PST

Худ e бивш специален агент на военните и твърди, че е в най-добрата форма в живота си досега. Подготовката му е отнела 2100 часа, прекарани в силовата позиция.

Той счупи рекорда още през 2011 г. с 1 час и 20 минути, но когато се опита да го стори отново през 2016 г., загуби от Мао Вайдонг от Китай, който остана в позицията в продължение на 8 часа, 1 минута и 1 секунда.

"Стоя в "планк" по 4-5 часа на ден - каза Худ пред CNN - Също така всеки ден правя по 700 лицеви, 500 клякания и други." 

Худ сподели, че по всяка вероятност няма да се опитва да счупва световния рекорд за планк, но със сигурност ще се опита да подобри рекорда на Гинес за най-много лицеви опори, направени за един час, който в момента е 2806.

Източник: CNN